More than 100 learners from the Upper West Side and the broader New York area celebrated the completion of Maseches Sotah recently at a siyum hosted by the Orthodox Union’s Torah Initiatives at Young Israel of the West Side.
Participants enjoyed sessions by OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer, who spoke about living united as a Torah community, and OU Kosher Chief Operating Officer Rabbi Moshe Elefant, who addressed pressing questions in a Q&A on contemporary kashrus issues.
The OU’s Torah Initiatives department launched the All Daf app in 2020, at the beginning of the currentdaf yomi cycle. Currently, All Daf is used by tens of thousands for their daf yomi, Yerushalmi, Oraysa and other gemara learning. The department also runs All Mishnah and All Parsha platforms to facilitate consistent mishnah and parsha study, respectively. The apps make Torah study easily accessible through recorded classes and videos, a personal learning tracker and more. Combined, the three apps have garnered over 100,000 downloads to date.
OU Kosher COO and Executive Rabbinic Coordinator Rabbi Moshe Elefant said:
“What better way to celebrate completing a masechtah,than with more learning? The participants showed genuine curiosity and interest in Torah study. For many, this was not their first All Daf milestone, and it will certainly not be their last.”
All Torah Director Rabbi Moshe Schwed said:
“This was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate partiticipants’ accomplishments with the Upper West Side community. We are grateful for the opportunity to share our Torah and kosher resources with local communities in an impactful way.”
OU’s Torah Initiatives Executive Director Rabbi Moshe Brandsdorfer said:
“We were glad to have the opportunity to meet some of the people benefitting from our learning programs. Completing a mesechta was particularly timely during the days immediately preceding Shavuos, the chag of kabolas haTorah.”
For more information or to learn a masechta, visit or download the All Daf app from the app store.
Rabbi Moshe Schwed
Director, All Torah
About Torah Initiatives
Torah Initiatives comprises a broad array of innovative and impactful Torah programming. With the vision of a community where every Jewish adult makes limmud ha-Torah a central part of their life, Torah Initiatives is increasing accessibility to high-quality, sophisticated, and vibrant Torah. Diverse approaches and formats provide study opportunities for those from every community and affiliation to further develop their relationship with G-d through Torah.