
PJ Library relaunches story podcast for kids ages 5 and up

Join the parents turning to PJ Library for trusted podcasts that help provide quality, captivating entertainment for their kids’ insatiable appetites.

PJ Library podcast. Credit: Courtesy.
PJ Library podcast. Credit: Courtesy.

On Jan. 16, beloved PJ Library and NAPPA and Parent’s Choice Awards-winning podcast “Have I Got a Story for You!” is set to relaunch with a 10-episode Torah stories drop. These stories, which illuminate the morals and messages of Bible characters from a Jewish perspective, will help bring to life Jewish traditions, culture and history for kids ages 5 and up.

With little time to scrupulously wade through podcast content, parents need trusted brands to turn to so they know their children will be entertained by age-appropriate, values-aligned stories. PJ Library, which has been sending beloved Jewish books straight to families’ mailboxes since 2005, brings its household name and parent-approved themes to their little ones.

“When we launched our three kid-story podcasts in 2019, we knew we had the opportunity to fill a gap,” says Alli Thresher, director of digital content for PJ Library.

“There was plenty of Bible storytelling, but very little from a Jewish perspective, and even less that could help break down the sometimes complicated stories of our tradition for young listeners,” Thresher continued. “Audio, as a medium, provides a totally different avenue to start bringing those stories to kids. And because their parents know us and love us, they can hit ‘play’ without having to do too much extra vetting.”

“Have I Got a Story for You!” features a single narrator who tells the tales of Moses, Ruth, Deborah, Aaron, Rebecca, the Tower of Babel and more, in a calm format that is appropriate for bedtime, naptime, playtime or car listening. It joins PJ Library Presents’ two other magical, top-rated Webby Award-honored family podcasts, “Beyond the Bookcase” and “Afternoons With Mimi,” which brings Jewish traditions, culture, holidays and values to life for kids of all ages.

Find “Have I Got a Story for You!” wherever you get your podcasts, and look out for the new episodes dropping on Jan. 16.

Media contact: For questions about Have I Got a Story for You! or to arrange an interview with Alli Thresher? Email Naomi Barnett at nbarnett@hgf.org.

About & contact The Publisher
PJ Library, a global program available in 40 countries, provides Jewish families with free high-quality children’s books and other resources that foster a deeper connection with Jewish life. Over 18 years, PJ Library has provided 50 million books to kids ages 0-12 worldwide. It is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation who partners with local Jewish organizations to fund PJ Library and make it available in their community. Learn more and sign up at pjlibrary.org.
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