A group of influential rabbis and pastors will meet in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 31 under the banners of the Israel Allies Foundation, the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, American Christian Leaders for Israel, Eagles’ Wings, The Jerusalem Connection Report and the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance to urge members of Congress to take concrete steps to provide support for Israel. The leaders are concerned that the urgency of the situation in Israel needs to be recognized by Congress and efforts to provide funding and diplomatic support renewed.
“This joint mission of Jewish and Christian leaders is coming at a critical time as Israel’s war to eliminate Hamas—a threat to the entire freedom-loving world—continues. These leaders will be speaking out for the Israelis still held hostage and encourage our Members of Congress to give Israel the aid it needs to win this battle against evil. We have all watched the disruptive, and at times violent, protests against Israel and attacks on Jews worldwide, and this faith-based advocacy effort reaffirms to our nation’s political leaders the breadth and depth of American support for Israel,” affirmed Jordanna McMillan, U.S. director of the Israel Allies Foundation.
Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt, chairman of the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, said, “Jewish and Christian clergy are joining together to let Congress know that we are united and stand together in our unequivocal support of Israel as it seeks to defeat Hamas. We dare not forget what happened on Oct. 7, nor should we dismiss the statements by leaders of Hamas about their desire and intention to carry out other similar attacks again. This is a time that demands moral clarity, which is why we faith leaders call upon the United States to continue to support Israel in its battle against the evil authoritarian regime that governs and controls Gaza.”
A supplemental aid package to Israel has still not been approved over three months after the heinous Oct.7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas left more than 1,200 Israeli civilians dead, more than 200 taken captive in Gaza, and whole communities destroyed and traumatized. The attack was the most horrific assault on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Moreover, Hamas is not the only challenge Israel faces. On its northern border, Hezbollah has fired barrages of rockets into the Jewish state over the last few days. Thousands of Israelis have been internally displaced from the north and south due to these combined threats, which are largely supported by the Iranian regime.
“We are coming to Washington because supporting Israel in her war with Hamas is an American issue and an issue for all people of goodwill. Never before have rabbis and pastors gone to Congress to lobby together. However, it is happening today, as Americans are increasingly concerned that Iran and her proxies are threatening the very existence of a key American ally,” stated Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.
Bishop Robert Stearns of Eagles’ Wings added that “the battle in Israel is certainly not a battle of Israel against the Palestinians or even of only Israel against Hamas. Rather, it is the frontlines of a global battle of civilization and basic human rights against pure evil epitomized by Hamas. Every person concerned with basic human rights and the future of humanity must take a stand with Israel in this conflict. The results of this conflict impact the whole world.”
The delegation will also remind lawmakers that more than 100 hostages are still in the hands of Hamas and enduring unspeakable conditions. The Red Cross has not been allowed to visit the hostages and reports indicate that they are being subjected to violent assaults and not provided with adequate nutrition.
Dr. Susan Michael, director of American Christian Leaders for Israel, stated, “Our network is honored to come alongside Israel and the Jewish community in these difficult days. I urge Christians everywhere to stand up for the hostages as if they were your own sons and daughters and in support of Israel as she fights for the security and safety of her citizens.”
The event sponsors encourage all rabbis and pastors to participate in this historic joint advocacy mission.
To register and learn more, see: israelallies.org/dc-advocacy-day.
About the Israel Allies Foundation
Founded in 2007, the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) works to educate and empower pro-Israel, faith-based legislators worldwide who share a belief that the State of Israel has the right to exist in peace within secure borders. Today, the IAF coordinates the work of 53 Israel Allies Caucuses around the world. This network includes the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, and the European Union Parliamentary Israel Allies Caucus among others.
About the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition
As a diverse group of rabbis from all movements and denominations in North America, we express our commitment to the unity of the Jewish people and affirm our unbreakable bond with and support for the State of Israel.
About American Christian Leaders for Israel
American Christian Leaders for Israel seeks to provide a unified voice of truth to the American public in support of Israel and the Jewish people and on behalf of the tens of millions of American Christians we collectively represent. ACLI is a project of the U.S. Branch of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem.
About Eagles’ Wings
Eagles’ Wings is a global movement advancing three biblical mandates: Actively praying and working for a just and lasting peace for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants; Renewing the importance of spiritual community; and fostering understanding across cultural divides.
About the Jerusalem Connection
The Jerusalem Connection, International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to glorify the name of Yaweh, serve as advocates for Christian Zionism, and inform, educate, and activate support for Israel and the Jewish people.
About the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance
We are an alliance of Hispanic Pastors of Christian denominations and organizations working together to represent the voice of the Hispanic Christian Church to government and authorities in matters relevant to our faith and values and its relationship to society at large.
Contact: Shannon Bennett, American Christian Leaders for Israel, shannon.bennett@icejusa.org