
Would older adults be comfortable in your community?

Orthodox Union and the Savitsky Communal Growth Initiative to host a Retire & Relocate Fair to highlight best communities in North America and Israel for those 60-plus.

Moving boxes. Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels.
Moving boxes. Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels.

People over 60 often consider relocating or downsizing, seeking a different way of life as they retire or become empty-nesters. Luckily, many communities throughout North America and in Israel offer appropriate housing and resources for older adults, while also providing a robust Orthodox Jewish community.

The Orthodox Union’s SPIRIT (Stimulating Program Initiative for Retirees that Inspires Thought) and the Savitsky Communal Growth Initiative will be co-sponsoring a unique event to identify and promote these communities with appropriate housing, programming and other resources that are attractive to this demographic.

The Retire & Relocate Fair will be held virtually on Sunday, May 4. The Orthodox Union has previously hosted two other Community Home Relocation Fairs, which were both successful.

Rebbetzin Judi Steinig, OU senior director of community projects and partnerships, who coordinates the fair, says that “the event’s objective is to provide an opportunity for older adults to discover communities that will provide the amenities of an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle with housing and resources appropriate for their needs, while also addressing their other criteria, such as proximity to their children or other relatives who can be supportive.”

Leaders of communities with housing and programs for this particular demographic are encouraged to apply ASAP to secure a virtual booth. Previous fairs have been closed out to communities far in advance.

senior relocation fair
OU Retire and Relocate Fair. Credit: Courtesy.

For more information and an application to represent your community at the event, reach out to Steinig: steinigj@ou.org.

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Founded in 1898, the Orthodox Union (OU), or Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, serves as the voice of American Orthodox Jewry, with over 400 congregations in its synagogue network. As the umbrella organization for American Orthodox Jewry, the OU is at the forefront of advocacy work on both state and federal levels, outreach to Jewish teens and young professionals through NCSY, Israel Free Spirit Birthright, Yachad and OU Press, among many other divisions and programs.
The OU's Department of Community Projects & Partnerships enhances Jewish communal life by strengthening community leaders, organizations, and infrastructure, and collaborating with lay leaders and industry experts.
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