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Amnesty International board member denies Israel’s existence

A new CAMERA report reveals that Rasha Abdel Latif has also lauded terror attacks against Israel.

Rasha Abdel Latif. Source: YouTube screenshot.
Rasha Abdel Latif. Source: YouTube screenshot.

Just days before joining Amnesty International’s Board—an organization that claims it is dedicated to advocating for human rights—Rasha Abdel Latif shared a message on social media honoring a terrorist who attacked civilians in Tel Aviv.

A new report from the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA) collects various statements made or shared by Latif. Notably, in 2013 she tweeted: “There is nothing called ‘Israel,’ it is ‘Palestine territory.’ ”

Latif, a director at Partners Global, also shared a post in 2021 celebrating the escape of Palestinian terrorists from prison. Latif retweeted a comment by Nour Odeh that said “This is not the first escape but the scale, timing and context is historic & the impact is impossible to understate. Palestinian will is unbreakable.”

More recently, Latif has advocated on behalf of the indiscriminate rocket-firing that even Amnesty admits constitutes war crimes.

Rasha was previously named a “40 Under 40” honoree by the Arab American Foundation. She earned a community organizing certificate from the Harvard Kennedy School.

This review of Latif’s public statements follows a previous report from CAMERA debunking falsehoods in one of Amnesty’s videos. 
