Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Morning Syndicate
Saudi funding offer to PA seen as step to normalization with Israel
The kingdom contributed billions to Palestinian causes until cutting off funding over corruption.
IDF soldier wounded in car-ramming near Hebron
The Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed.
latest news
Gallant meets with Biden admin officials in NYC
Israel one of most cherished US allies, says visiting Montana senator
‘Sensitive’ State Dept. document runs in Tehran paper, as Foggy Bottom rebuffs Congress
Hezbollah beats war drums as UN meets on UNIFIL mandate
Baruch Yedid
Israel’s latest submarine carries hints of advanced capabilities
Yaakov Lappin
Ben-Gvir cuts police ties with ‘radical left’ Wexner Foundation
New York court rejects suit against Unilever over Ben & Jerry’s Israel boycott
Hamas to restart weekly Gaza border riots
Israel sees sharp rise in natural-gas revenue
Jerusalem find dating back to biblical kings baffles archaeologists
Pesach Benson
Finance Ministry proposes oversight mechanism for funds to Arab towns
Amir Ettinger
Violent terror supporter to speak at Tel Aviv high school
Akiva Van Koningsveld
Historic ‘Glory of Israel’ synagogue set to reopen overlooking Jerusalem’s Temple Mount
Etgar Lefkovits
Blame Israel
There's a word for the Ukrainian president's allegations and demands: Chutzpah.
Dry Bones
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