Wednesday, October 18, 2023
featured column
Jonathan S. Tobin
Public neutrality about Hamas and Israel is complicity
Despite US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza, Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid
David Swindle, Menachem Wecker
Mixed reviews for Biden’s wartime visit to Israel
“What the Israelis must do is cover their ears and not let the United States dictate what they can and can’t do militarily against Hamas,” said Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute.
Bradley Martin
IDF reports missiles and gunfire at Lebanese border
US officials address DC gathering before 50 Jewish leaders fly to Israel
Melissa Langsam Braunstein
latest news
Hamas attacks part of Tehran’s effort to stymie Saudi-Israeli peace, GOP congressmen say
Bradley Martin
UN sanctions on Iran’s missile program expire
Errant Palestinian terror rocket ‘likely’ killed UN staff in Gaza, says IDF
Full text: Biden remarks in Tel Aviv
Biden to Israelis: ‘You are not alone’
US Treasury sanctions financial operatives affiliated with Hamas
Group of bipartisan legislators calls for action against Iran, Turkey, Qatar
Biden promise to Israel: ‘You’ll get what you need,’ secures pledge for Gaza aid
David Isaac
Hilton hotel in Texas cancels Palestinian rights conference
Blinken calls Abbas after PA leader snubs summit with Biden
European Parliament to review funding to Palestinians
Israel heeds US request to let aid into Gaza via Sinai
IDF: At least 450 terror rockets fell short in Gaza
El Al helps Israelis leave Turkey after travel warning
Tehran calls for oil embargo against Israel
Berlin synagogue firebombed, German chancellor condemns
Or else?
The problem that we (and Israel's leadership) now must face is that America's tie to Israel is breakable.
Dry Bones
Dan Diker
Biden’s visit to Israel: Collaboration or conflict?
featured column
Benjamin Kerstein
In the media war, the only way out is through
Rabbi Yossy Goldman
‘Leave your ark!’
Moving out of our comfort zones.
Evonne Marzouk
What sending my son to Israel has taught me about love
Nathan Lewin
Did American taxpayers finance Hamas’s massacre of Jews?
Harold Paul Luks
Fast-track licenses to get military supplies to Israel
Joseph Frager
Rebuild Gush Katif
Dr. Eric R. Mandel
A naive West must awaken to the jihadist threat
Nave Dromi
Victory is the only ‘proportional’ response
Mitchell Bard
Who are the Gaza civilians?
Marc Erlbaum
They’re lying to you about the war
Barry Tigay
Islamism vs. the world
Phyllis Chesler
My unanswered questions in the midst of war
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