BDS pits Jewish and black communities in America The connection many people have been making about the training of U.S. police officers, George Floyd’s death and Israel isn’t rooted in seeking justice for a murdered man, but in advocating hatred of Israel. Ben Stone June 9, 2020
Amid global pandemic, Israel and PA find ways to cooperate The novel coronavirus doesn’t discriminate based on religion, ethnicity or disputed borders. It affects and harms humans—end of story. Ben Stone April 6, 2020
Another example of SJP’s anti-normalization campaign Students for Justice in Palestine are extremists hiding on campuses who are opposed to any reconciliation with Israel and not interested in honest inquiry. Ben Stone March 13, 2020
Upholding the values of Duke University in the face of anti-Semitism How can the “Duke difference” be achieved if faculty can make unsubstantiated claims and students’ opinions are smothered in class? Ben Stone Oct. 25, 2019