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Kanye West to release 40-minute ‘apology video’ before new album launch

It’s planned to go public before the release of his new album “Vultures.”

Kanye West. Photo by Jason Persse via Wikimedia Commons.
Kanye West. Photo by Jason Persse via Wikimedia Commons.

“Ye” (Kanye West), the Grammy-winning musician-turned-neo-Nazi-advocate, will reportedly attempt another effort to offer forgiveness for the antisemitic invective he made on social-media platforms in 2022.

Sources told the entertainment journalism site TMZ that weeks ago, he had filmed a 40-minute apology video described as “rambling” and at parts “impossible to decode.” It’s planned to go public before the release of his delayed new album “Vultures,” now scheduled for Feb. 9.

TMZ analyzed Ye’s previous attempt at making amends (an Instagram post in Hebrew of an anodyne apology message), finding an 85% chance that it was written by artificial intelligence.

Some of the statements Ye made include “Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities” and “the thing about it being Adidas is like, I can literally say antisemitic s**t and they cannot drop me.”

On Oct. 24, 2022, Ye lost his partnership with the shoe giant, leading to the loss of more than $1.5 billion of his net wealth.
