A group of Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) alumni from around North America have launched an effort to provide Chanukah menorahs, candles and gifts for children living on Israeli kibbutzim. Working with AEPi alumni and AEPi undergraduate students in Israel, the group is raising money through the Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation to purchase the gifts and have the Israeli Brothers deliver them. AEPi is the world’s largest and leading Jewish college fraternity.

Loren Nelson (University of California, Santa Barbara, 2001) and Brett Blumstein (University of California, Irvine, 2000), co-owners of the Hannukah Superstore and founders of the AEPi Business Networking Group, conceived of the idea. (Goods purchased through the campaign will not be purchased from the Hannukah Superstore. All monies raised will be spent to provide for Israeli children). AEPi student members in Israel volunteered to deliver the menorahs and gifts and the idea has taken off.
“When I was a kid, my house burned down in an arsonist-set fire, and I remember what it was like to have nothing except the clothes on my back,” said Nelson. “That’s why this is so important to me. None of us can imagine the horrors that some of these children are experiencing or have witnessed.”
“I know that Hanukkah in Israel is a little different than here and that there is less emphasis on gift-giving, but I loved the idea of bringing a little light to these children during this difficult time.”
Tax-deductible donations to the campaign can be made through the Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation at: https://bit.ly/LightsFortheKids.
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About Alpha Epsilon Pi:
Alpha Epsilon Pi is the world’s largest and leading Jewish college fraternity, operating chapters on more than 150 college campuses in the United States, Canada, the U.K., and Israel. Founded in 1913, AEPi has more than 110,000 living alumni. The fraternity’s mission—developing the future leaders of the Jewish communities—is demonstrated every day through acts of brotherhood, tzedakah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.
About Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation:
The Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation promotes the values of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity through leadership development, partnerships with educational and Jewish communal organizations, and provision of scholarships, financial support and programming for the betterment of AEPi Brothers, their campuses or their community.