

AEPi International hosts leadership and advocacy conference

More than 100 handpicked AEPi leaders recently attended the AEPi Leven Leadership Institute to learn about leadership and advocacy.

More than 100 student leaders were selected to attend the 2024 AEPi Leven Leadership Institute. Credit: Courtesy.
More than 100 student leaders were selected to attend the 2024 AEPi Leven Leadership Institute. Credit: Courtesy.

More than 100 handpicked student leaders from across North America were invited earlier this month to attend Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi)’s Leven Leadership Institute to learn about leadership and advocacy in their fraternity chapters, on their college campuses and in their communities.

“The Leven Leadership Institute brought together many of AEPi’s current campus leaders to work directly with AEPi educators, prominent business leaders and Jewish communal professionals for the objective of building the leadership skills that enable them to affect the success of their AEPi chapter and to build up their campus Jewish community,” said Rob Derdiger, AEPi CEO. “This year, with the backdrop of October 7 and the rampant antisemitism on college campuses, these lessons are more important and more critical to the survival of the Jewish people than ever before.”

Seminars at the Leven Leadership Institute included those presented by AEPi alumni Mike Leven (former president and COO of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation), Bob Diener (co-founder of hotels.com and getaroom.com) and others on subjects ranging from “Empowering Jewish Leadership” to “Leading with Jewish Values” “Trends in Greek Life” as well as “Lessons in Teamwork and Advocacy.”

“This past weekend was amazing for me. I have so many new ideas to make our chapter the best and safest it’s ever been,” said Lane Clark, president of AEPi’s chapter at the University of Tampa. “But the key parts I took away were the parts that I learned about Judaism. I came from a town with few religious practices so getting to learn more about Judaism was very eye-opening to me.”

“This program did a great job of showing us how it’s possible to balance a successful life in business while staying involved in the Jewish community. As someone who is about to graduate, I had a lot of concern about how I could stay involved post-grad without going into a Jewish/pro-Israel career space, but this program helped outline that exactly,” said Josh May from Michigan State University.

The Leven Institute Presidents Academy was funded by the Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation and is made possible through a generous partnership with Michael A. Leven and the Michael & Andrea Leven Family Foundation.

“The AEPi mission—developing the future leaders of the Jewish community—is better served because of the efforts of the leaders of this conference to bring impactful leadership and advocacy lessons to our current and emerging undergraduate leaders. I know, from interacting with these students, that the future of AEPi and campus Jewish communities, is in good hands,” said Derdiger.

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Alpha Epsilon Pi is the world’s largest and leading Jewish college fraternity, operating chapters on more than 150 college campuses in the United States, Canada, the U.K. and Israel. Founded in 1913, AEPi has more than 110,000 living alumni. The fraternity’s mission—developing the future leaders of the Jewish communities—is demonstrated every day through acts of brotherhood, Tzedakah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.

The Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation promotes the values of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity through leadership development, partnerships with educational and Jewish communal organizations, and provision of scholarships, financial support and programming for the betterment of AEPi brothers, their campuses or their community.

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Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) is the world’s leading Jewish college fraternity, operating chapters on more than 150 college campuses in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Israel. Founded in 1913, it has more than 110,000 living alumni. The fraternity’s mission—to develop the future leaders of the Jewish communities—is demonstrated daily through acts of brotherhood, tzedakah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.
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