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Florida police pull over felon transporting Nazi paraphernalia, guns

A routine traffic stop resulted in the discovery of an assortment of weaponry.

Nazi Armband
Armband of the German Nazi Party, worn around the upper left sleeve of the uniform tunic and bearing a swastika. Credit: Joe Mabel via Wikimedia Commons.

The Florida Highway Patrol pulled over a man on Feb. 16 who was following a dump truck too closely on the interstate. After searching his vehicle, they arrested Ronald Lee Murray Jr. after discovering a cache of weapons, guns and swastikas.

Murray, 42, of Cypress, Texas, was also charged with driving while his license was suspended or revoked.

Police reported that Murray possessed a long hunting knife, multiple pistols, a black bomber-style jacket with a red swastika patch on the left sleeve, red swastika armbands and a small metallic swastika. Also found was a swastika patch with the phrases, “Our race is our nation” and “Our folk is our faith.”

In 2022, The Houston Press described Murray as a “prominent Houston neo-Nazi” and identified him as participating in a demonstration against a church event supporting LGBTQ individuals. At the protest, he held a sign that read “LGBT is Talmud Jew S***. 6 Genders? … LOL.”

The publication also identified him as being associated with such hate groups as the National Socialist Organization, 14 First the Foundation, National Socialist Movement, White Lives Matter and the Aryan Freedom Network.

Others in Minnesota and Colorado associated with neo-Nazi groups have recently faced arrest and/or prosecution for similar offenses of illegally possessing guns.
