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Report: Jews most targeted for hate crimes in Canada for third consecutive year

Canadian police responded to 1,798 hate crimes in 2018, though it was a 4 percent decrease from 2017.

The Canadian flag. Credit: Wikipedia.
The Canadian flag. Credit: Wikipedia.

For the third consecutive year, Jews are the most targeted minority group when it comes to hate crimes in Canada, despite a 4 percent decrease from the year before.

There were 360 recorded anti-Semitic incidents, according to Statistics Canada, which released its report on Monday.

According to B’nai Brith Canada, 2,041 anti-Semitic incidents in Canada were reported in 2018.

Canadian police responded to 1,798 hate crimes in 2018, and 2,073 the previous year.

“We are encouraged to see an overall decline in hate crimes, [but] this data confirms the persistence of Jew hatred, which is seeing an alarming global rise,” said Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs CEO Shimon Koffler Fogel.
