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Swastikas and white supremacist slogan mar YMCA in North Carolina

“We were deeply disheartened to find that our property had been vandalized with hate speech and symbols,” said the center.

Charlotte, N.C. Credit: Precisionviews via Wikimedia Commons.
Charlotte, N.C. Credit: Precisionviews via Wikimedia Commons.

Vandals spray-painted racist rhetoric and swastikas on Sunday at the Morrison Family YMCA of Greater Charlotte in Charlotte, N.C.

The phrase “save the white race” was scrawled outside, and a swastika was graffitied onto a YMCA bus. “Matthew 23:13-36” was written on the sidewalk, also with a swastika.

“We were deeply disheartened to find that our property had been vandalized with hate speech and symbols,” the YMCA said in a statement. “We immediately notified law enforcement, and our team is working diligently to remove the graffiti as quickly as possible.”

The Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte released a statement saying that it “condemns these actions in the strongest of terms” and remains committed to fighting “antisemitism and preventing incidents like these from happening in the future.”
