Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force said in a speech that aired on Iranian television earlier this month that the Iranian people’s confrontation with the United States will continue “until the leaders of the White House and of the Zionist regime are annihilated.”
Senior Iranian cleric Ali Shirazi said in speech that aired on Iran’s Yazd TV on Nov. 4 that Iran’s confrontation with the United States was “in keeping with the teachings of the Koran, the Prophet Mohammed and the Jurisprudent Ruler” and will continue “until the leaders of the White House and of the Zionist regime are annihilated” and the “oppressive foundations of the global arrogance are disrupted.”
“Allah willing, [this] collapse will occur as soon as possible,” he added.
Shirazi delivered his speech at a rally celebrating the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, which led to the Iran hostage crisis.
The following are excerpts from his address:
Ali Shirazi: “The Iranian people are facing the global arrogance in keeping with the teachings of our religion the teachings of the Koran, the teachings of the Prophet [Mohammed], the teachings of the imams, and the teachings of the current Jurisprudent Ruler. The confrontation with America will continue until the oppressive foundations of the global arrogance are disrupted, and until the leaders of the White House and of the Zionist regime are annihilated.
“Allah willing—and in the words of our honorable leader—today’s young generation will see the collapse of Israel and America. Allah willing, with the support of this people, we hope that this collapse will occur as soon as possible.”