Two events occurred at the outset of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s weeklong visit to the United States. CBS’s “60 Minutes” broadcast a story on the left’s shock forces, “Brothers (and Sisters) in Arms.” The people assaulting government ministers, conservative academics and motorists effectively told the show’s Lesley Stahl that Israel deliberately bombs children—an utter lie.
They also explained that in the end, they are fighting to “End the Occupation.” Since the only way to do so is to oppress the majority of Israel’s Jews who oppose pullouts from Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, the so-called fight for “democracy” is a fight to end Israel’s status as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
The CBS broadcast, like the wider defamatory protests that the left is producing in New York and elsewhere right now, is one side of the coin of this week’s prime ministerial visit to the United States.
The other side, of course, is Netanyahu himself.
After discussing the implications of the left’s efforts to defame the government and the State of Israel, Glick moves to a discussion of how Netanyahu is maneuvering to seize control over the narrative of his visit and marginalize the protesters. His visit with Elon Musk in California on Monday was a critical move towards achieving one such goal. Glick explains how Netanyahu’s Twitter forum on artificial intelligence with Musk and other experts went a long way towards that and put him in a stronger position as he began his diplomatic meetings at the United Nations on Tuesday, ahead of his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden Wednesday and his speech before the U.N. General Assembly on Friday.