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American pastors thank Brazil’s incoming president for supporting Israel

Jair Bolsonaro will be sworn in as Brazil’s 38th president on Jan. 1, likely marking improved ties with the United States and Israel.

From left: Jarbas Aragao Brazilian Christian journalist , Albert Vexler , Director of Jerusalem Presidential Prayer Breakfast ,President-elect Jaír Bolsonaro , Jim and Rosemary Garlow , Well Versed, Ramiro and Ophalinda Pena, and Pastor Valandro. Credit: Mario Bramnick.
From left: Jarbas Aragao Brazilian Christian journalist , Albert Vexler , Director of Jerusalem Presidential Prayer Breakfast ,President-elect Jaír Bolsonaro , Jim and Rosemary Garlow , Well Versed, Ramiro and Ophalinda Pena, and Pastor Valandro. Credit: Mario Bramnick.

Jair Bolsonaro will be sworn in as Brazil’s 38th president on Jan. 1, likely marking the beginning of improved ties with the United States and Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are among those expected to attend the inauguration.

Ahead of the inauguration, a group of pro-Israel leaders from the United States, including Israel Empowerment Fund CEO Albert Veksler, were in Brazil this week.

Latino Coalition for Israel president Mario Bramnick lead the delegation of evangelical leaders, meeting with Bolsonaro on Thursday, as well as political and religious leaders in Brasilia, where they met future cabinet members such as Damares Alves, a pastor nominated to be Secretary of Human Rights.

On Dec. 20, Bramnick, along with American pastors Jim and Rosemary Garlow, Ramiro and Orphalina Pena, as well as Veksler, had an opportunity to meet Bolsonaro, who is an evangelical Christian.

The delegation and Bolsonaro discussed pressing issues regarding Israel and world politics and how similar the scenario in Brazil is to the US.

During the meeting, Pastor Pena gave the president elect an Israeli prayer Shawl, thanking him for all his support for Israel.

Veksler stated: “We are thankful for president Bolsonaro’s stand for Jerusalem and his friendship with Israel.”

Bolsonaro has promised to move the Brazilian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and shutter the Palestinian embassy in Brasilia.
