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Jewish story ‘woven into fabric’ of nation, says Biden, proclaiming heritage month

“Let us honor the timeless values, contributions and culture of Jewish Americans, who carry our nation forward every day,” said the president.

U.S. President Joe Biden talks to members of the press in the State Dining Room of the White House on March 2, 2021. Credit: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz.
U.S. President Joe Biden talks to members of the press in the State Dining Room of the White House on March 2, 2021. Credit: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz.

Jewish American “values, culture and contributions have shaped our character as a nation,” U.S. President Joe Biden wrote on Friday in a proclamation ahead of Jewish American Heritage Month, which begins Monday on May 1.

The president described how Jewish refugees, for centuries, have come to America fleeing global antisemitism.

“Early on, they fought for religious freedom, helping define one of the bedrock principles upon which America was built,” he stated. “Union soldiers celebrated Passover in the midst of the Civil War. Jewish suffragists fought to expand freedom and justice. And Jewish faith leaders linked arms with giants of the Civil Rights Movement to demand equal rights for all.”

“Jewish Americans continue to enrich every part of American life as educators and entrepreneurs, athletes and artists, scientists and entertainers, public officials and activists, labor and community leaders, diplomats and military service members, public health heroes and more,” said the president.

“In my own life, the Jewish community has been a tremendous source of friendship, guidance and strength through seasons of pain and seasons of joy,” he added.

He noted the continuing threat of antisemitism, which he called “unconscionable and despicable,” with “terrifying echoes of the worst chapters in human history.”

Biden touted many of his administration’s initiatives, concluding: “Let us join hands across faiths, races, and backgrounds to make clear that evil, hate and antisemitism will not prevail. Let us honor the timeless values, contributions and culture of Jewish Americans, who carry our nation forward each and every day.”
