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‘Unfortunately for Hamas, they don’t have air power,’ says ‘Breaking Points’ host

The other co-host denounced Israel for what she called a genocide, two days after Tucker Carlson, on the program, accused Ben Shapiro of dual loyalty.

Saagar Enjeti (left) and Krystal Ball, hosts of the "Breaking Points" podcast. Source: Breaking Points/YouTube.
Saagar Enjeti (left) and Krystal Ball, hosts of the "Breaking Points" podcast. Source: Breaking Points/YouTube.

Having condemned the Hamas terrorist organization for its brutal Oct. 7 attack on Israel, Krystal Ball, co-host of the American political podcast “Breaking Points,” figures it is only “morally consistent” to denounce Israel for what she called a genocide against “all 2.2 million citizens of Gaza, and Palestinians living in Gaza.”

In the antisemitic tirade, the host doubled down in response to questions from premium subscribers about the show’s anti-Israel posture.

“I don’t think you can really cover those details in a way that looks good for Israel right now if you’re being honest,” Ball said.

Co-host Saagar Enjeti—who had interviewed Tucker Carlson two days earlier in a conversation that responded to political commentator Ben Shapiro in terms that echo centuries of antisemitism—took issue with the subscriber’s question.

“What does it mean to be pro-Israel?” Enjeti asked. “The idea that we have not covered, um, what is it, Hamas’s atrocities is insane.”

“We are covering the ongoing war. Unfortunately for Hamas, they don’t have air power, so if the vast majority of the kinetic action is coming from Israel, we’re going to cover it from Israel,” he added.

Enjeti said he didn’t want to single out the subscriber who asked the question but dismissed “a whole lot of annoying commentary on this.

“Every single time that you cover the ground action Israel on Gaza, are you supposed to say, ‘But don’t forget about Oct. 7?” he said. “That just seems ridiculous.”

Ball claimed—without irony—that if anything, the show could be accused of being too pro-Israel. “We had on this show, we interviewed the brother of one of the Israeli hostages who was taken. And, you know, incredibly emotional story and horrifying, and you know obviously, like, humanizes those, all the hostages that are taken, but, you know, this woman in particular,” she said. “We haven’t had on one of the families of Palestinian prisoners that’s been held for years, some of whom are children.”

Two days prior, Enjeti interviewed Carlson, to whom he said he owes his career.

Enjeti asked Carlson about his criticism that Shapiro, the Jewish commentator and author, cares more about Israel than about Americans dying of fentanyl. Enjeti called that a “traditional, nationalist message.

“Why is it that so many of these people don’t seem to have the same level of care for actual American citizens?” Enjeti asked.

“I felt terrible for the people who were killed on Oct. 7. I still do,” Carlson said. “I had no weird motive. I was just, like, thinking about it from an American perspective. Is this good for us or is it not?”

Carlson, formerly of Fox News, said his critics exhibit “emotional instability and crazy.

“There are people, and I stop reading any of it, but there are people on the right who have spent the last two months, every single day, focused on a conflict in a foreign country as our own country becomes dangerously unstable, on the brink of financial collapse, with tens of millions of people who shouldn’t be here,” Carlson said.

“If I’m so caught up in the problems of my neighbor’s children and completely ignoring my own children as they get addicted to drugs and kill themselves, you know, I’m not against helping my neighbor kids, but clearly I don’t love my kids,” he said. “That’s the only logical conclusion, and they don’t care about the country at all.”

Treating Shapiro like Voldemort, who cannot be named, Carlson said he is “shocked by how little they care about the country, and including the person you mentioned.

“I can’t imagine how someone like that could get an audience of people, who claim to care about America, because he doesn’t obviously,” he said.

Dual loyalty is “a bigoted trope used to cast Jews as the ‘other,’” according to the American Jewish Committee. “It becomes antisemitic when an American Jew’s connection to Israel is scrutinized to the point of questioning his or her trustworthiness or loyalty to the United States.”

Per the AJC, “By accusing Jews of being disloyal citizens whose true allegiance is to Israel or a hidden Jewish agenda, antisemites sow distrust and spread harmful ideas—like the belief that Jews are a traitorous ‘fifth column,’ meaning they are undermining their country from within.

“For centuries, these antisemitic accusations of disloyalty have led to the harassment, marginalization, oppression and murder of Jewish people,” the AJC adds.
