
Jewish group applauds Georgia State Rep. Esther Panitch on issuing ‘End Jew Hatred’ resolution

The drafting of this resolution comes at a time of rising antisemitism across the United States.

Georgia State Rep. Esther Panitch addresses the floor during Georgia's 2023 legislative session, speaking in favor of passing HB 30 to provide for the definition of antisemitism, March 7, 2023. Credit: Courtesy of the Georgia House of Representatives.
Georgia State Rep. Esther Panitch addresses the floor during Georgia's 2023 legislative session, speaking in favor of passing HB 30 to provide for the definition of antisemitism, March 7, 2023. Credit: Courtesy of the Georgia House of Representatives.

The #EndJewHatred movement applauds Democratic Georgia State Rep. Esther Panitch for her leadership in drafting a state resolution declaring April 29 as “End Jew Hatred Day.”

The movement is planning on hosting a nationwide “call to action” day on April 29, calling on individuals on social media to share how they plan to stand up to antisemitism by using the #EndJewHatred.

Panitch continues to be a leader in combating antisemitism within the Georgia Legislature, working to find bipartisan solutions to protecting the Jewish community and all residents throughout the state. Republican State Rep. John Carson also joined her in signing the resolution.

“I’ve spent most of my first legislative session working to fight antisemitism,” said Panitch. “During this time, I even received hateful antisemitic flyers in my own driveway at home. That incident just fueled me even further to fight for this cause.”

She said that #EndJewHatred is “a much-needed national campaign, as evident by the rise in Jew-hatred in Georgia and throughout the country. I thank Rep. Carson for his bipartisan support in recognizing the significance of this resolution. We have to do everything we can to combat hate. I’m doing what I can in the state legislature, and I encourage everyone else, Jews and especially non-Jews, to find a way to do their part to end antisemitism.”

The drafting of this resolution comes at a time of rising antisemitism across the United States. In Georgia, there were 80 total incidents of antisemitism in 2022, up from 49 in 2021.

“We are grateful for the support of leaders like Rep. Panitch and to the Georgia Legislature for issuing this resolution,” said Brooke Goldstein, co-founder of the #EndJewHatred movement. “We call on more states to join with Georgia in calling for April 29 as ‘End Jew Hatred Day’ and take a stand in combating rising Jew-hatred around the country.”

The movement will host a national call to action day on social media on April 29. People are encouraged to use #EndJewHatred, and share how they plan to stand up and fight antisemitism.

Click here to view a video of Georgia State Rep. Esther Panitch’s speech on the Georgia House Floor.

For more information and how to take action, visit: www.EndJewHatred.com.

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#EndJewHatred is an international grassroots civil rights movement that unites ordinary people, activists and organizations from around the world who support the cause that defines the movement: to end Jew-hatred in our lifetime. It does so by altering public discourse to make Jew-hatred unacceptable in society, while empowering Jews with positivity and strength to discover and enjoy their heritage in whichever manner they choose, without fear of attack or persecution.
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