update deskNetherlands

Dutch government passes binding resolution, cutting fiscal assistance to PA

“Hopefully, the Dutch decision will serve as a precedent for other European parliaments,” said Palestinian Media Watch senior analyst Nan Zilberdik.

The Dutch parliament building. Credit: Michiel Jelijs/Flickr.
The Dutch parliament building. Credit: Michiel Jelijs/Flickr.

Holland’s parliament passed a binding resolution on Monday to cut 7 percent of assistance to the Palestinian Authority in 2019.

The vote was 94-56.

It occurred shortly after Palestinian Media Watch director Itamar Marcus exposed to parliamentarians in the Hague the P.A.’s program to reward terrorists and their families. The cut mirrors the percentage of the P.A.’s budget spent on those payments.

It also comes after the latest wave of attacks in Judea and Samaria.

“The need for such steps by foreign donors is as relevant as ever as the P.A. just added four new terrorists’ families to its growing terror rewards payroll,” said PMW senior analyst Nan Zilberdik. “One terrorist shot a pregnant woman, forcing an emergency delivery, but the newborn son died a few days later.

“Another terrorist murdered two of his Israeli co-workers. The other two terrorists were killed while attempting to kill Israelis. The families of the four terrorists will now receive monthly allowances for life,” continued Zilberdik. “Hopefully, the Dutch decision will serve as a precedent for other European parliaments.”

The Netherlands gives more than $14.8 million annually to UNRWA, the U.N. agency that deals with the Palestinian refugee issue.
