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Hamas official: ‘Mosques in Israel must be liberated, purified of filth of occupation’

Fathi Hamad, head of Hamas’s General Administrative Committee, said mosques should be “scholarly, social, jihadi and political institutions,” and called on the Arab and Islamic nation to help “liberate” them.

Senior Hamas Official Fathi Hamad: Mosques in Israel Must Be Liberated, Purified from Filth of Occupation

Senior Hamas Official Fathi Hamad: Mosques in Israel Must Be Liberated, Purified from Filth of OccupationFathi Hamad, the head of Hamas' General Administrative Committee, said in a June 19, 2019 speech that aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) that mosques should be scholarly, social, Jihadi, and political institutions, and he called on the Arab and Islamic nation to help the Palestinians liberate the mosques that are "languishing under the Zionist occupation" in Haifa, Safed, Acre, Tel Aviv, and elsewhere in Israel. He said that these mosques have been turned into pubs and dens of vice by the Zionists and that they, along with the Al-Aqsa Mosque, must be liberated and purified from the "filth of the occupation."See more: https://www.memri.org/tv/senior-hamas-official-fathi-hamad-mosques-israel-liberated-filth-occupation-jihadi-institutions

Posted by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Sunday, June 23, 2019

Fathi Hamad, the head of Hamas’s General Administrative Committee, said in a June 19 speech that aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) that mosques should be “scholarly, social, jihadi and political institutions.”

He also called on the Arab and Islamic nation to help the Palestinians liberate the mosques that he said were “languishing under the Zionist occupation” in Haifa, Tzfat, Akko, Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel.

He said that these mosques have been turned into pubs and dens of vice by the Zionists and that they, along with the Al-Aqsa mosque, must be liberated and purified of the “filth of the occupation.”
