Ilan Halimi’s murder and the whitewashing of Muslim antisemitism The solution to the problem of Jew-hatred in France begins with telling the truth. Ellie Krasne-Cohen March 5, 2023
Another Jew is murdered in France If the brutal death of René Hadjaj is to mark a sea change in the country’s approach to anti-Semitic crimes, the connections between hate speech and violence need to be analyzed and exposed. Ben Cohen June 3, 2022
Anti-Semitism is a form of delirium, especially in France Those in its grip believe that Jews possess diabolical powers, that they are a secret conspiracy to control global affairs in their own malign interests, that they are responsible for the ills in the world. Melanie Phillips April 22, 2021
In France, anti-Semitism is systemic A record shames a country whose ethic is built upon the triangle of “liberty, equality and fraternity.” Ben Cohen April 16, 2021
French Jews experienced 74 percent more anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 Sammy Ghozlan, head of the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, said the “yellow-vests” protests utilize classic anti-Semitic tropes accusing Jews of exercising disproportionate control and manipulating the government through the use of money. Feb. 12, 2019