The student senate at Florida State University rejected a series of resolutions that supported the anti-Israel BDS movement and rejected the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition on anti-Semitism.
The resolutions, which were authored by former student senate president Ahmad Daraldik, who came under fire for past anti-Semitic statements last summer, included one BDS resolution and another that calls on FSU to “rescind” its adoption of the widely accepted IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism.
According to StandwithUs, the BDS resolution and anti-IHRA resolutions were defeated in committee before they could reach the senate floor. The BDS resolution failed unanimously.
One of the anti-IHRA resolutions failed with a vote of 0-7-3, while the other was unanimously amended to remove all anti-IHRA language that was harmful to the Jewish community.
“I am so proud of Jewish and pro-Israel students at Florida State University for their tireless work. They did not rest until they made sure that their community was represented, supported and protected,” said Talia Lerner, StandWithUs Senior Southern Campus Coordinator. “They told their stories bravely and did an outstanding job educating their peers about Israel, the Jewish people and anti-Semitism.”