Eli Beer, founder and president of United Hatzalah of Israel. Credit: Courtesy.
Eli Beer, founder and president of United Hatzalah of Israel. Credit: Courtesy.
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United Hatzalah’s Eli Beer biography is published three years after he nearly died from COVID

The book has been touted as being a “heart-stopping drama that is filled with dramatic rescues and inspiration.”

Three years to the day after Eli Beer was admitted on March 16, 2020, to the intensive-care unit at Miami University Hospital, the COVID survivor, and founder and president of United Hatzalah of Israel, published his official biography.

Titled 90 Seconds: The Epic Story of Eli Beer and United Hatzalah, the book tells the story of how Beer went from being a helpless 5-year-old boy watching a bus blow up and dreaming of being able to help people to running the world’s largest and fastest fully-volunteer EMS service, which has resulted in more than 5.5 million people being saved.

Published by ArtScroll and written by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer, the book tells the story of how Beer started off with a few friends to create an organization that responds to medical emergencies in less than three minutes across Israel, with the dream of arriving at any medical emergency in Israel in 90 seconds or less.

“90 Seconds: The Epic Story of Eli Beer and United Hatzalah.” Credit: Courtesy.

It spans decades, sharing detailed stories of international crises, herculean relief efforts and human survival, all while bringing people from different backgrounds, religions and nationalities together for one common cause: saving lives.

The book has been touted as being a “heart-stopping drama that is filled with dramatic rescues and inspiration” and takes the reader on an incredible journey behind the scenes of the founding of the fastest EMS organization in the world.

“I really hope that this book is read by many people and that it inspires them to push through whatever challenges they are facing and achieve their dreams, especially children,” said Beer ahead of the book launch. “Children have so many dreams, and people are always telling them it can’t happen. People said the same to me. I want everyone to read this book so that they understand that childhood dreams can happen and that anything is possible.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said of the book: “This is the captivating story of one of the greatest social entrepreneurs of our generation. Eli Beer took a simple idea and turned it into a massive life-saving enterprise. Read these pages to find out how.”

The book is currently available on Amazon.

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