From bisque to beetroot: Hearty soups as a meal Stir up some winter warmth by the spoonful for Shabbat or any day. Ethel G. Hofman Jan. 15, 2025
Latkes and doughnuts for Chanukah? Think oil, but think again As Jews left country after country, they took their favorite recipes, adapting them for the kosher kitchen and enriching cuisine everywhere they went, including America. Ethel G. Hofman Dec. 5, 2024
Autumn festival and sukkah feasts, made simpler by culinary shortcuts After cooking elaborate, traditional meals for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (pre- and post-fasting), convenience is now the top priority for the next seven days of Sukkot. Ethel G. Hofman Oct. 8, 2024
A sweet 5785 to a somber Jewish people For far too long, the Middle East has been a maelstrom. Ethel G. Hofman Sept. 9, 2024
Florida in the summertime? No sweat! Flights are cheaper, attractions uncrowded, restaurant reservations accessible, parking spaces available at parks and beaches, and driving isn’t bumper to bumper. Ethel G. Hofman Aug. 14, 2024
Shavuot brings a tableau of riches, from the table to the Torah Besides the wheat harvest and the reading of the Ten Commandments, one of the oldest customs is that dairy dishes are served during the holiday. Ethel G. Hofman May 31, 2024
It’s Lag B’Omer: Time to get your grill on On that day, tradition goes, weddings are permitted, music can be listened to, and haircuts are allowed. It makes for a flurry of activity! Ethel G. Hofman May 16, 2024
From one coast to the other: It’s Passover ‘to go’ Planning for the whole shebang begins six weeks ahead of time with lists galore: “things to buy, things to bring, lists of people attending first seder, list of people attending second seder.” Ethel G. Hofman April 3, 2024
Lox, gravlax, smoked salmon: How a fish became the quintessential Jewish dish What really popularized it throughout America was the Transcontinental Railroad, which transported the salted staple from the Pacific coast to other parts of the country, including New York. Ethel G. Hofman March 15, 2024