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Argentina court names Iran responsible for 1994 AMIA bombing

The ruling enables victims’ families to file suit against the Islamic Republic.

Thousands attend a memorial event in Argentina dedicated to the 85 people killed and more than 300 wounded in the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, July 18, 2022. Credit: AMIA.
Thousands attend a memorial event in Argentina dedicated to the 85 people killed and more than 300 wounded in the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, July 18, 2022. Credit: AMIA.

The top criminal court in Argentina has named the alleged perpetrators of an act of terrorism it called a “crime against humanity.”

The Court of Cassation in Buenos Aires issued a ruling on April 11 blaming Iran for bombing the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina—a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires—on July 18, 1994, using its terrorist proxy Hezbollah. The attack left 85 dead and more than 300 wounded.

Argentina’s judicial system has long regarded Iran as behind the terrorist act.

Memoria Activa, a group that represents the families of victims from the bombing, said they hoped that “complete justice and truth will come” and wished “that these judges will stop profiting from our dead.”

The court said the attack on the largest Jewish community in Latin America came as a result of Argentina withdrawing from a nuclear cooperation deal with Iran. It named Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as complicit, prompting Israel to call on Argentina to designate the organization as a terrorist group.
