The 12-year-old Jewish girl just raped in Paris had committed two mortal sins in the eyes of the rapists: She was Jewish. Therefore, she was a creature deserving of the most heinous acts of evil. Moreover, she hadn’t notified the gang of thugs of this fact. She had not flaunted a “yellow star.” She had not denounced herself. She had not agreed to submit to rape, deportation and murder. So, in the eyes of the monsters, she demanded an act of Nazism.
As in acts of mass murder, the thugs’ rape echoed the mass rapes committed by Hamas. If the thugs did not kill, it was only because they lacked the necessary weapons. Their kidnapping, sexual violence and antisemitic shrieks were all out of the Hamas playbook. This is because Hamas is now the greatest inspiration for young antisemites—from the river to the sea.
On the cell phone of one of the rapists was a burnt Israeli flag. He claimed the girl said something he didn’t like about the Palestinians. This rapist, and all the other child terrorists like him, was well educated by his role models. He learned to commit the most ancient abomination: The violent misogynist assault on the female gender.
This “education” is everywhere: In schools, in places of entertainment, in the overall cultural and social message that encourages and sanctifies the use of any and all weapons against the Jews. And not only Jews. Against all those who do not submit to the terrorists’ hideous ideology. Everyone who disseminates this ideology helped rape that innocent Jewish girl.
For months, indeed years, young people have heard these words of hate: racist, colonialist, oppressor, apartheid, child murderer, genocidal, supremacist, enemy of humanity.
This is part of a long tradition. France, after all, had Dreyfus, Petain, the trains of Jewish children sent to death camps. It had De Gaulle, who refused to help Israel in 1967 when it was under threat of extermination. France had all its leftists and post-colonialists who appeased, encouraged and sanctified Muslim antisemitism, terrorism and extremism.
They continue to do so, even after the murders of dozens of Jews like Ilan Halimi in 2006, the three children killed in Toulouse by a teenage Muslim Jew-hater and many others.
Today, the threat is even greater. The antisemitic, pro-Hamas politician Jean-Luc Mélanchon’s party could win scores of seats in France’s upcoming legislative elections. He believes Hamas is a movement of “resistance.” “Resistance,” apparently, to babies, children, teenagers, the elderly, the innocent and unarmed. This is a death sentence to all Jews, a writ of genocide. Mélanchon and all those like him, including the young rapists of Paris, have signed it.
Even French President Emmanuel Macron, who is not an antisemite, quietly allows himself to barbarously comment “Israel must not kill women and children,” as if Israel were deliberately doing so. Intentional or not, Macron only confirmed the blood libel of the infinitely guilty malevolent Jew.
Careless and corrupt politics created this monster. Only politics can stop it. Cut the antisemites out.