Rutgers professors call for genocide In an atmosphere of rising antisemitism, Noura Erakat and Saher Aziz’s webinar was beyond the pale. Andrew E. Harrod March 20, 2024
Noura Erakat’s advice to Israelis: Trust us not to kill you She and her allies’ hate-filled, distorted views make a mockery not just of coexistence but of academe. Andrew E. Harrod Jan. 20, 2022
Rutgers professor to Jews: Better dead than Zionist The decades-long trumpeting of bigotry against Judaism and Israel by professors of Middle East studies undermines the West’s security by maleducating its youth, misleading its publics and misadvising its leaders. Andrew E. Harrod Dec. 20, 2021
Noura Erakat’s morgue of Palestinian resisters Her pop Marxist dreams of a revolution overthrowing Israel’s “settler-colony” might thrill woke academic audiences in America, but it also can fuel more anarchy. Andrew E. Harrod Oct. 28, 2021
Rutgers academics mark 20th anniversary of 9/11 by assaulting America Panelists twist the sacred memory of the terrorists’ nearly 3,000 victims to portray them, and by extension, all Americans as deserving of the attacks. Andrew E. Harrod Sept. 23, 2021
Noura Erakat’s Gaza gaffes and other errata Confused about basic facts, the Rutgers University professor lacks the erudition of a genuine scholar and the intellectual honesty expected from people of even modest learning. Andrew E. Harrod April 19, 2021
‘Progressive Except for Palestine’: A new label for an old hatred A lie is a lie, no matter who tells it. Andrew E. Harrod March 16, 2021
Academics celebrate ‘right of return’ as the ‘end of Zionism’ A webinar reveals that U.N.-sanctioned propaganda has bequeathed a nefarious legacy. Generations of misled “refugees” refuse to accept the national identities of their birth countries, just as Middle Eastern countries reject these “refugees.” Andrew E. Harrod Dec. 29, 2020
Professors push Palestinians to ‘resist,’ rather than live in peace While whitewashing terrorism, educators like Noura Erakat at Rutgers University mythologize Palestinians’ past and deny Israeli existence. Andrew E. Harrod Dec. 1, 2020