Official P.A. TV reporter:
“Good morning to our heroic prisoners, good morning to all of the mothers – the mothers of the martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners, the Palestinian mothers who have sacrificed their lives and serenity for the homeland and their sons. I’m in the Al-Amari refugee camp, and more precisely with the woman we are all proud of. A woman who is an example of giving and sacrifice, the Khansa of Palestine, the oak tree of Palestine, the mother of the martyr and prisoners, Um Nasser Abu Hmeid … .” Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor
Laila Ghannam: “Good morning to you and to all of the viewers, a morning of pride, a morning of greatness, a morning of prisoners, a morning of martyrs. We are always with this fighter, from whom we draw our determination and our strength. Allah willing she will always remain upright and a symbol of the Palestinian woman who is very generous … .”
Official P.A. TV reporter: “Six sons in the Israeli occupation’s prison; tell us about their sentences.”
Umm Nasser Abu Hmeid: “Nasser was sentenced to seven life sentences and another 50 years; Nasr was sentenced to five life sentences; Sharif was sentenced to four life sentences; Muhammad was sentenced to two life sentences and another 30 years; Jihad is in administrative detention; and Islam—may Allah release his chains … .” Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor
Laila Ghannam: “If the Abu Hmeid home is sealed or destroyed, every [other] Palestinian home will take pride and honor in having this fighting woman live in it. All of our homes are her home … .”
Official P.A. TV host: “Umm Nasser Abu Hmeid is indeed a legend thanks to this defiance and resolve, and therefore she has been nicknamed the Khansa of Palestine. She is a role model for every Palestinian woman.” [Official P.A. TV, Holiday Morning, June 18, 2018]
Umm Nasser Abu Hmeid (Umm Yusuf Abu Hmeid/Latifa Abu Hmeid): Palestinian woman who is famous and admired in the Palestinian Authority for being the mother of four terrorist prisoners serving multiple life sentences, another terrorist who admitted to murdering an Israeli soldier, and another terrorist son whom the P.A. refers to as a “martyr.” Abu Hmeid is also called Khansa of Palestine, a name that refers to the woman Al-Khansa in the earliest period of Islam who sent her four sons to battle and rejoiced when they all died as martyrs.