A trauma vortex turned inwards The arrest of nine Israel soldiers on the word of a terrorist only increases dangerous polarization. Gina Ross Aug. 8, 2024
Why does Hamas not care about Gaza kids? Does the terrorist organization feel that it owns the Palestinian population there and has the right to use them as they wish? Gina Ross April 16, 2024
Let Israelis be ethical warriors If Israel’s hands are not shackled, the war will end quicker and with less suffering. Gina Ross March 24, 2024
The West’s projected helplessness Terrified of jihadist ideology, the West chooses to put the blame on Israel. Gina Ross Oct. 30, 2023
This is not about revenge We Jews have finally woken up from the delusions that allowed us to hate each other. Gina Ross Oct. 17, 2023
Healthy anger vs. toxic anger in Israel Each side must help the other play their part in a Jewish and democratic state. Gina Ross Oct. 4, 2023
An appeal to the Israeli media Israel needs you to emphasize the legitimacy of both sides of the judicial reform debate. Gina Ross Aug. 17, 2023
The king of Bahrain’s blessed vision The king is determined to bring peace and harmony through religious freedom. Gina Ross Aug. 6, 2023
A new opportunity for the Jewish people We will have to give up our self-righteousness and stubborn conviction that we are the only ones who possess the truth and the good. Gina Ross July 26, 2023