update desk

Foreign diplomats take tour of Barkan Industrial Park

Ten deputy ambassadors and senior U.N. officials visited Barkan ‎Industrial Park in Samaria, as part of a ‎joint program seeking to showcase the park as a ‎prominent example of successful Israeli-Palestinian ‎economic cooperation.‎

The Barkan Industrial Park in Samaria, which employs Israeli and Palestinian workers Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
The Barkan Industrial Park in Samaria, which employs Israeli and Palestinian workers Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Ten deputy ambassadors from around the world and ‎several senior U.N. officials visited Barkan ‎Industrial Park in Samaria on Friday, as part of a ‎joint program seeking to showcase the park as a ‎prominent example of successful Israeli-Palestinian ‎economic cooperation.‎

The program is the brainchild of the Shomron ‎Regional Council’s Foreign Relations Department, together ‎with the Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce.

The ‎tour took place as part of the council’s public ‎diplomacy efforts, which are backed by the Strategic ‎Affairs Ministry.‎

The ministry is tasked with spearheading Israel’s ‎efforts to counter the BDS movement. ‎

The U.N. delegation met with Shomron Regional ‎Council‎ head‎ Yossi Dagan, who briefed the ‎dignitaries on the area’s adamant struggle to ‎counter the attempts to boycott and delegitimize ‎businesses in Judea and Samaria.‎

The delegation also visited the Alon Group facility ‎in the park, which last month was the scene of a gruesome ‎terrorist attack that resulted in the murders of 29-year-old Kim Levengrond Yehezkel and 35-year-old Ziv Hajbi, as well as the wounding of 54-year-old Sara Vaturi.

‎“As we have built coalitions in the U.S. Congress ‎and the European Parliament, we continue to work to ‎create coalitions to support Judea and Samaria at ‎the United Nations as well,” said Dagan. ‎

‎“I have no doubt that anyone who visits us and sees ‎and understands reality as it is. Today, we met with ‎senior U.N. officials who said they were happy to ‎learn about the daily reality in Samaria, as they ‎knew little about it before [the visit]. We will ‎continue to act to influence opinion leaders from ‎around the world.”‎

Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan noted that ‎‎“BDS activities against Judea and Samaria ‎are just a cover story for their activists’ real objective—boycotting the entire State of Israel and ‎eliminating it as a Jewish state. This is why it is ‎so important to us to counter these boycott attempts ‎and show the world the Israeli-Palestinian ‎coexistence in Judea and Samaria.”
