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French government ends funding to radical anti-Israel organization

The Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor alerted parliamentarians, Jewish groups and journalists regarding this troubling use of taxpayer funds.

The French government stopped funding a radical organization—the Jewish French Union for Peace—as a result of NGO Monitor research.

In October 2017, NGO Monitor found that the entity was receiving funding from the French government for a project against racism. Abusing government funds, UJFP published a book demonizing Israel, and making false accusations against Israel and France. It also produced video clips that compare Zionism to Nazism and alleging that Zionism is anti-Semitic.

The Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor alerted parliamentarians, Jewish organizations and journalists regarding this troubling use of taxpayer funds. Parliamentarians submitted questions and inquiries on this issue, and the research was published in the well-known French magazine Causeur.

In February, the French government asked that its logo be removed from the UJFP website, halted the grant and demanded the return of funding that was already disbursed.


