Argentina’s Jews are protesting the Latin America tour of former Pink Floyd member and pro-BDS advocate Roger Waters.
A day before his concert on Saturday, Waters partook in a pro-BDS event in Buenos Aires.
“We must insist to our local governments to pressure Israel, in favor of the human rights of the Palestinians,” he said during the program called “A World Without Walls,” organized by BDS Argentina.
The Argentina Zionist Organization labeled Waters “one of the great anti-Semites of our time” in an online campaign.
Waters’ latest elicited a reaction from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which urged the tour’s sponsors to revoke their support.
“Waters came to Uruguay and Argentina to promote BDS—Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions—declared illegitimate in a growing number of European jurisdictions as based on the attacks in Nazi Germany on Jewish shops and enterprises to the cries of Kaufen nicht bei Juden (‘No Buying from Jews’),” said Shimon Samuels, the center’s director for International Relations, in a statement. “The timing of his hate-fest tour led up to today’s 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht (‘Night of Broken Glass’).”