Israel’s Military Rabbinate this week unveiled a portable Holy Ark containing a Torah scroll that army rabbis designed to be worn like a backpack and which 0can be converted into a small podium, or bimah, for reading scripture.
The rabbinate developed the gadget for use in field and combat conditions in connection with the outbreak of war on Oct. 7, 2023, the news site Srugim reported on Sunday.
“When it comes to transporting a Torah scroll, an ark is necessary to prevent damage from humidity,” said Col. Rabbi Shoham Orkabi, the head of the operational department of the Military Rabbinate, according to the report.
Prior to the design of the portable Holy Ark, troops transported Torah scrolls in receptacles that were neither comfortable to carry nor waterproof, Orkabi added.
Troops using the new portable ark can use the carrying case as a bimah, and place the scroll on it while reading. The case has short legs that allow it to be placed on the ground without getting water, mud, or dirt on the case’s body. The legs are also important to avoid placing the Torah scroll on the ground, which is forbidden in Judaism.

At many synagogues, Torah scrolls are taken out of the holy ark several times a week (typically Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) as well as on special occasions and holidays.
It is treated with reverence and its extraction and use are often celebratory moments. IDF units deployed for extended periods sometimes set up impromptu prayer areas, at times featuring a holy ark.