
The making of sadistic terrorists: An interview with Mordechai Kedar

“The Caroline Glick Show” with Arab literature professor Mordechai Kedar, Ep. 82

As more and more evidence comes out about the inhumane and sadistic actions of Hamas on Oct. 7, the world is grappling with what drives individuals to do such things. What is the ideology and worldview that stands behind such cruelty? Is this mindless bloodshed, or are rape and pillage part of a more systematic war strategy?

To discuss these questions, Caroline Glick interviews professor of Arab literature Mordechai Kedar.

They delve into the religious texts and ideology of Hamas; the end goal of many Islamic terror groups and where Israel comes in; the political solution for much of the Arab world and the mistaken attempt to create a unified democratic state.

This is an interview you don’t want to miss!
