Yad Vashem-sponsored symphony celebrates Japanese diplomat who saved Jews during the Holocaust The cellist and Jewish convert who envisioned the musical work, Kristina Reiko Cooper, came to learn that Chiune Sugihara rescued her father-in-law. Mike Wagenheim March 9, 2023
The Sugihara exclusion: Israel bites the hand that fed Jews Israeli bureaucrats have denied visas for the son of a righteous gentile to attend a Jerusalem ceremony in his father’s honor. Nathan Lewin Oct. 8, 2021
Japanese foreign minister views Children’s Memorial, honorary tree at Yad Vashem Toshimitsu Motegi toured a photo exhibit, participated in a memorial ceremony at the Hall of Remembrance and saw the tree planted in memory of Chiune Sugihara, who saved Jews during the Holocaust. Aug. 18, 2021
Honoring the Japanese diplomat who saved thousands of Jews from Holocaust Chiune Sugihara defied his own government’s orders by issuing handwritten transit visas in 1940 to more than 6,000 Lithuanian Jews, enabling them to escape Nazi-occupied Europe. Shiryn Ghermezian Jan. 26, 2021
Son of Japanese Holocaust hero discovers father’s memorial destroyed by Beit Shemesh apartments The Jewish National Fund was left scrambling to apologize to the son of a former Japanese diplomat who saved the lives of approximately 6,000 Jews during the Holocaust, after a memorial grove of trees planted in his honor was flattened to make way for apartment buildings. Malkah Fleisher Feb. 14, 2019