The Jewish American awakening The Axis of Antisemitism wants to push American Jews into a new ghetto, but they appear determined never to allow that to happen. Benjamin Kerstein Dec. 18, 2023
When American Jews first marched for Israel When the founding of Israel was threatened, American Jews held many mass rallies. Eunice G. Pollack Dec. 18, 2023
‘LA Times’ defends using 44% lower crowd numbers than ‘March for Israel’ Some of the sources of those statistics and the scholars crunching the numbers have been very critical of Israel on social media. Menachem Wecker Nov. 29, 2023
Sincere or sanctimonious? Will we sell our souls to claim the moral high ground? Rabbi Yossy Goldman Nov. 22, 2023
Going to ‘March for Israel’ part of curriculum, senior Yeshiva administrator says Some 2,500 students, faculty and staff attended the Nov. 14 rally in Washington, D.C. Elishama Marmon Nov. 21, 2023
What was the purpose of the ‘March for Israel’? The participants had no direction to go in because the organizers didn’t provide them with one. Lauri B. Regan Nov. 21, 2023
‘I wanted to be a part of the historic crowd,’ says ‘March for Israel’ attendee Some of the reported nearly 300,000 attendees told JNS that they were motivated to come to Washington by Jewish unity and to send a message to the federal government. Elishama Marmon Nov. 16, 2023
DC rally attendee: ‘It felt like every Jew in the world was there with us’ A few of the nearly 300,000 people who came to the “March for Israel” in Washington shared their stories with JNS. Izzy Salant and Menachem Wecker Nov. 15, 2023
Hagee: Israel’s leaders ‘should determine how this war is to be conducted’ The Christian Zionist leader said he was there to deliver the singular message that the Jewish state is not alone. David Swindle Nov. 15, 2023