Iconic Events Releasing is bringing the acclaimed film documentary “We Will Dance Again,” a real-time video account of survival from the Oct.7 Nova Music Festival terror attack to select theaters nationally with special-event showings on Thursday, Aug. 29, and Sunday, Sept. 1.
Additionally, a week-long, Oscar-qualifying run of the documentary, which gives voice to the survivors of that day and will be streamed on Paramount+ this fall, is underway at Los Angeles-area Laemmle Theaters.
The Nova Music Festival was supposed to be a celebration of life, love and music for thousands of young people, but it became one of the first targets when Hamas launched the deadliest terror attack in Israel’s history. In “We Will Dance Again,” more than a dozen young festival-goers tell gripping stories of how each of them managed to survive from one minute to the next. Their eyewitness accounts are weaved together with footage they filmed themselves and footage recovered from cameras worn by Hamas.
Paramount+ has teamed with Iconic to make “We Will Dance Again” available in a communal setting. In honoring the memory of the souls lost on that tragic day, the documentary offers firsthand footage pieced together in real-time by director Yariv Moser (“The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes,” “Ben Gurion: Epilogue,” “My First War”) from the attack woven with survivors’ retelling of their scarring experiences—all delivered with a sobering sense of human bravery, sacrifice and the ability to persevere in the face of immense loss.
“We Will Dance Again” is a co-production of Susan Zirinsky’s See It Now Studios with global entertainment studio Sipur and factual producer Bitachon 365, in collaboration with MGM Television, a division of Amazon MGM Studios, and HSCC. Other co-producers include BBC Storyville, which will broadcast the documentary in the United Kingdom, and Israel’s Hot Channel 8, which will air it in Israel.
For more details about screenings and to purchase tickets, visit: https://www.iconicreleasing.com/events/we-will-dance-again/tickets/.
For media only: Producer press contact: Jim Benson, jbenson@lippingroup.com and Iconic Events Releasing press contact: Bethany Claypool, bethany@iconicreleasing.com.