PJ Library, the free, global Jewish storybook program created by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, is teaming up with Streit’s Matzos to bring kid-friendly resources and activities to Jewish families in the United States and Canada this Passover.
For many Jewish kids and their families, enjoying PJ Library books together is as baked into family tradition as eating Streit’s Matzos on Passover.
Those who’ve gone without the stories and activities that PJ Library sends every month for zero dough (leavened or otherwise), can now be led out of the book desert thanks to the opportunity to sign up for PJ Library on every box of Streit’s Passover Matzos.
“We are thrilled to partner with Streit’s to amplify our shared values of family and Jewish traditions,” says PJ Library executive director Alex Zablotsky. “With PJ Library books and Streit’s Matzos, Jewish families will be well-equipped to celebrate Passover this year.”
The matzah brand has its own Jewish story, as it has been family-owned and operated for nearly 100 years. In that time, Streit’s Matzos have been covered with toppings or wrapped and hidden for kids to go seek. Before searching for the afikomen this year, families will be able to search for the PJ Library logo on boxes of Streit’s Matzos in supermarkets across North America or on streitsmatzos.com.
“Streit’s is all about m’dor l’dor, ‘from generation to generation,’” explains Aaron Gross, executive vice president of Streit’s Matzos. “Just as my great-great-grandfather [Aron Streit] passed this company down to his children, it’s our dream to keep this company going for many generations. If your great-grandmother had Streit’s Matzos on her table, we can guarantee you that the same quality and taste she experienced at her seder, you’re going to have that for yours as well.”
Gross adds, “I think it’s very special that Streit’s has this partnership with PJ Library. They are also passing along traditions for generations to come, and we’re happy to be a part of that.”
About PJ Library
PJ Library, a global program available in more than 35 countries, provides Jewish families with free high-quality children’s books and other resources that foster a deeper connection with Jewish life. Over 18 years, PJ Library has provided 50 million books to kids ages infant to 12 worldwide. It is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation who partners with local Jewish organizations to fund PJ Library and make it available in their community. Learn more and sign up at: pjlibrary.org.
About Aron Streit Inc.
Streit’s Matzos is the only family-owned, family-operated matzah company in the United States. Streit’s is based out of Orangeburg, N.Y., after having been on the Lower East Side of Manhattan for over 90 years. Next year, 2025, will be Streit’s 100th anniversary year. Streit’s continues the tradition of bringing families the best matzah and kosher food products for Passover and year-round.