A homage to those aging with faith Rebecca Sugar’s debut novel “Everything is a Little Broken” is about the gap between a religious generation and their secular descendants. Irit Tratt March 5, 2024
Rustin, Sowell and renewing black-Jewish relations Jewish Americans should embrace those who elevate, rather than destroy American society. Irit Tratt Dec. 5, 2023
Expanding the Jewish circle of gratitude One must only briefly scan the globe to deduce that those extending hands of friendship towards Israel should not be taken for granted. Irit Tratt Nov. 3, 2023
The boundaries of liberal tolerance The Tel Aviv protesters likely felt emboldened by the New York protests against Netanyahu. Irit Tratt Oct. 1, 2023
Israel’s autonomous Africa policy The United States respects an Israel that acts in its own best interests. Irit Tratt Aug. 13, 2023
Redistricting the Jews Democrats’ attempts to gerrymander New York may undermine religious freedom. Irit Tratt July 30, 2023
Deepening Jewish-Christian collaboration At institutes of higher learning, religious Jews and Christians are working together to preserve traditional values. Irit Tratt June 20, 2023
Should Jewish conservatives stay Republican? A campaign to convince Jewish Republicans to vote in Democratic primaries could come at a heavy price. Irit Tratt June 13, 2023
‘Al Jazeera’ affiliate must be forced to register as a foreign agent Why does the Biden administration refuse to enforce a Department of Justice ruling? Irit Tratt May 7, 2023