The Philadelphia story of Jew-hatred The city school district is under attack by vicious antisemites. Lori Lowenthal Marcus June 17, 2024
Defending the rights of Jewish students: A legal primer Jewish students are being subjected to bullying acts intended to intimidate and harass them because of their actual or imagined support for Israel. Thankfully, there are legal tools available which can and must be used to assert and defend their civil rights. Lori Lowenthal Marcus Dec. 10, 2023
Why did taxpayers fund antisemitic hate fest at Penn? Where is the demand that the taxpayer funds be returned and an investigation launched into how a Pennsylvania agency was deceived? Lori Lowenthal Marcus Sept. 24, 2023
The Princeton case: ‘Academic freedom’ to attack Jews It is unacceptable that Jewish students don’t merit protection from "macroaggressions," especially when they have nothing to do with academic freedom. Lori Lowenthal Marcus Sept. 3, 2023
Demanding transparency on antisemitic ethnic studies We’ve asked a California Superior Court to compel Hayward Unified School District to answer the Public Record requests they’ve ignored. Lori Lowenthal Marcus May 14, 2023
Supporting Israeli democracy We are Zionists who believe that when the people of Israel exercise the sovereign right to vote, the result should be respected by all, by non-Jews and Jews throughout the world, and by Jews within Israel. Lori Lowenthal Marcus and Alex Grobman Jan. 2, 2023
‘You can’t say that!’ Well, they are saying it … If you don’t think the dispute between Israel and its neighbors is a war against Jews, then who do you think the parties are? Lori Lowenthal Marcus Dec. 15, 2021
The tour Israel should arrange for Tlaib and Omar The visit of two anti-Israel members of Congress is an opportunity for them to see the real Israel, and perhaps learn a thing or two. Loris Lowenthal Marcus and Jerome M. Marcus July 26, 2019
Veterans affairs emerges as new frontier in US-Israel military relationship Lori Lowenthal Marcus April 14, 2017