In response to rising anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom, CAMERA, the world’s oldest Middle East media monitoring organization, has launched a new interactive website to help the public navigate and counter misinformation about Israel and Jews currently being spread globally by segments of the British media.
The free news-monitoring website will combine content from the two existing CAMERA sites: UK Media Watch and BBC Watch.
According to CAMERA, the new website is similar in design and layout to the main website, but is more user-friendly, and includes information on how the public can file complaints to British media outlets in response to false or misleading claims about Israel.
“The guiding principles behind the design are based on feedback from CAMERA’s followers,” said Adam Levick, co-editor of the new UK website. “People are busy and wanted a single place to find our corrections of false information in the British media. Now, they’ll have that.”
The Facebook and Twitter accounts for UK Media Watch and BBC Watch will also be merged with CAMERA UK.
“For many years, CAMERA had two separate departments and websites that monitored and corrected misinformation in the British media: UK Media Watch and BBC Watch,” said Hadar Sela, a veteran media analyst who will co-edit the new website. “Those two departments and websites will now be joined together at CAMERA UK so that people have just one, quickly accessible online home for British media analysis.”
Andrea Levin, CAMERA’s executive director, said “the British media remains one of the most influential sources of information in the world. It is therefore vital that we pay vigilant attention to what their journalists are saying about Jews and the Jewish state, especially in this day of resurgent antisemitism. I consider this new website an important tool in our effort to combat bias and misinformation.”