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Foundation to Combat Antisemitism adds $200 million to expand efforts

The Ruth Rales Foundation made a $100 million gift, matched by founder Robert Kraft.

#StandUpToJewishHate. Source: Screenshot.
#StandUpToJewishHate. Source: Screenshot.

The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, recognizable as the blue-square campaign, just received $100 million from the Ruth Rales Foundation. This inspired Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the New England Patriots and founder of the antisemitism foundation, to match that sum with a $100 million gift of his own.

“My parents, Norman and Ruth, who founded the Rales Foundation, were both children of immigrants who fled persecution in Eastern Europe and came to the United States in search of a better life, seeking safety and the opportunity of the American Dream,” said Joshua Rales, president and trustee of the Rales Foundation. “The values that my parents cherished are now under threat, and the Rales Foundation is excited to partner with Robert Kraft and FCAS to address this urgent problem.”

The new funds will go toward reaching young people online, expanding FCAS’s TV campaign, developing a command center for monitoring social-media hate, building bridges with other organizations to grow a multicultural coalition and connecting with sports audiences.

Rales said his eponymous foundation was “impressed with Robert’s vision, creativity, steadfast commitment and the entrepreneurial spirit of the ‘Stand Up to Jewish Hate’ campaign. A tough battle lies ahead, and our hope is that others will be inspired to join us to stand up against antisemitism and all forms of hate.”

Kraft noted that his foundation is growing, and said “we look forward to sustaining our efforts with this $200 million commitment to turn the moment into a movement. Fighting this hate will be the most meaningful and fulfilling action of my life and I am humbled and grateful to have the partnership of Joshua Rales and the Rales Foundation as we do it together.”
