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‘Infidels, don’t be fooled: Once our Muslims brothers come to power, they will never relinquish it’

Friday sermon in Jatt, Israel, by Sheikh Ahmad Badran: “Once Muslims come to power, they will never allow infidels to rule over Muslims.”

Friday Sermon in Jatt, Israel by Sheikh Ahmad Badran: Once Muslims Come to Power, They Will Never Allow Infidels to Rule over Muslims

Sheikh Ahmad Badran said in a June 28, 2019 Friday sermon in Jatt, Israel that was uploaded to the Internet that the infidels should know that when the Muslims rule over them according to Islam, there will not be a single law that is not Islamic. He said that Muslims will never allow non-Muslims to rule over Muslims because Allah said infidels will never have sway over Muslims. Referring to Muslims who say that they are exploiting democracy in order to come to power, Badran advised infidels to not be fooled and explained that once these Muslims come to power, they, too, will never allow infidels to rule over Muslims. He also explained that when the Muslim Brotherhood "flirts" with infidels by saying they support alternation of power, they are just putting on an act in order to rise to power. He added that Muslims do not accept under any circumstances a pluralistic system that combines Islam and heresy.To see more: https://www.memri.org/tv/israel-jatt-sheikh-badran-muslims-come-power-never-allow-infidels-exploiting-democracy

Posted by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sheikh Ahmad Badran said in a Friday sermon in Jatt, Israel last month that was uploaded to the Internet that the infidels should know that when the Muslims rule over them according to Islam, there will not be a single law that is not Islamic.

He said that Muslims will never allow non-Muslims to rule over Muslims because Allah said infidels will never have sway over Muslims.

Referring to Muslims who say that they are exploiting democracy in order to come to power, Badran advised infidels to not be fooled and explained that once these Muslims come to power, they, too, will never allow infidels to rule over Muslims.

He also explained that when the Muslim Brotherhood “flirts” with infidels by saying they support alternation of power, they are just putting on an act in order to rise to power. He added that Muslims do not accept under any circumstances “a pluralistic system that combines Islam and heresy.”
