update desk

Still no answer from Chicago education board about delaying meeting for Shabbat, says Jewish alderman

“By convening at this time, you are excluding a segment of our community from participating in an important public forum,” Alderman Debra Silverstein wrote.

Debra Silverstein, alderman of Chicago’s 50th Ward, which includes West Rogers Park, has yet to receive a response from the Chicago Board of Education about her request to delay a special meeting scheduled to take place at 5:45 p.m. on Friday.

Shabbat begins shortly after 4 p.m. in Chicago on Dec. 20. Silverstein, who is Jewish, wrote to the board on Thursday asking it to reschedule the meeting.

Chicago rally
(From left) Daniel Schwartz, co-founder of the Chicago Jewish Alliance; Debra Silverstein, alderman of Chicago’s 50th Ward; and Raymond Lopez, alderman of Chicago’s 15th Ward at a rally in Chicago organized by the CJA on Oct. 30, 2024. Credit: Chicago Jewish Alliance.

“The Chicago Board of Education has not replied to my request to delay tonight’s special board meeting,” Silverstein wrote on social media at 9:31 a.m. local time on Friday.

“The meeting falls during Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, when many Jewish residents, teachers and parents cannot participate,” she wrote. “Chicago prides itself on its diversity, and excluding a segment of our population from such an important public meeting is unacceptable.”

In her prior letter, the alderman wrote that “by convening at this time, you are excluding a segment of our community from participating in an important public forum.”

Silverstein noted the issues to be addressed at the meeting, particularly the future of the Chicago public school district under CEO Pedro Martinez, “are of profound importance to all residents of Chicago.”

The special board meeting for Friday was called to consider the status of the district CEO’s position, according to the Chicago Tribune. The meeting agenda, posted on Wednesday evening, listed two options: approving Martinez’s termination or approving a settlement agreement. 

“Our city thrives on its diversity, and inclusive public participation is a cornerstone of good governance,” Silverstein wrote in the letter. “In light of this, I urge you to reschedule the meeting to a time that allows all residents to attend and contribute without compromising their religious observances.”
