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British imam on world cup: Real men don’t watch other men exposed kicking a ball around

British imam Abu Usamah At-Thahabi said that watching "a few men running around and kicking a ball [with] their private parts showing" in the World Cup causes Muslims to disregard prayer times and to dishonor their parents.

In a recent sermon at the Al-Rahma Faith Center in Leeds, British imam Abu Usamah At-Thahabi warned his audience about a Zionist scheme revealed in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to distract people with sports and games.

According to a report by MEMRI, he said on Dec. 2 that watching “a few men running around and kicking a ball [with] their private parts showing” in the World Cup causes Muslims to disregard prayer times and to dishonor their parents.

Tahahabi also said, “[Real] men do not sit around and watch people kick a ball.” His sermon was posted to the Al-Rahma Faith Center’s YouTube channel.

“You know the Zionists, the Protocols of the Zionists…In one of those protocols they said, ‘Let’s keep the people busy with sports and games. Let’s keep the people distracted with sports and games.’ And that’s why all those people make all that money,” said Tahahabi.
