update desk

IDF to demolish home of terrorist who killed two near Eli

The victims were identified as Uria Hartum,16, and Yitzchak Zeiger, 57.

The scene of a terrorist attack outside Eli in Samaria, Feb. 29, 2024. Credit: Magen David Adom.
The scene of a terrorist attack outside Eli in Samaria, Feb. 29, 2024. Credit: Magen David Adom.

The Israel Defense Forces gave notice on Friday of its intention to confiscate and destroy the house of the terrorist who killed two Israelis at a Samaria gas station in February.

The terrorist, Muhammad Manasser, an officer in the Palestinian Authority police and a resident of Qalandiya, was slain after shooting and killing two Israelis on the afternoon of Feb. 29 at a gas station outside the town of Eli in the Binyamin region of Samaria.

The victims were identified as Yitzchak Zeiger, a 57-year-old father of three and grandfather of two from Shavei Shomron in northern Samaria, and Uria Hartum, a 16-year-old high-schooler from Dolev in Binyamin who had hitched a ride with Zeiger.
