
If the Biden administration chooses dishonor, it will have war

The administration’s endless appeasement of Iran makes war more rather than less likely.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers an address on Oct. 19, 2022. Source: Channel 1 (Iran) via MEMRI.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers an address on Oct. 19, 2022. Source: Channel 1 (Iran) via MEMRI.
Fiamma Nirenstein
Dr. Fiamma Nirenstein is an Italian-Israeli journalist, author, and senior research fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. An adviser on antisemitism to Israel’s foreign minister, she previously served in the Italian Parliament (2008–2013) as Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Committee. A founding member of the Friends of Israel Initiative, she has written 13 books, including Israel Is Us (2009), and is a leading voice on Israeli affairs, Middle Eastern politics, and the fight against antisemitism.

Isn’t it wonderful that Iran has announced that it is ready to send envoys to the ongoing Doha talks between Israel and Hamas? What a nice thing to do. What beautiful borderless humanitarian concerns.

Even more moving is Iran’s pledge that if an “agreement”—that is, total Israeli capitulation to Hamas’s demands—is reached, Iran will refrain from attacking Israel. Or perhaps just put it off …

Needless to say, the reality is not so beautiful. With their “offer” to participate in the talks, the mullahs have proved that Hamas is their salaried employee. Now, as it helped manage the Oct. 7 massacre, Iran wants to manage the entire hideous comedy from beginning to end.

The Biden administration, sadly, may well play along. It appears quite content to allow Hamas to play its obvious games: Endlessly put off an agreement while always leaving the door open just a crack. To the Biden administration, this crack represents the hope that it can avoid a regional war by—yet again—appeasing terrorism.

As for the price—another victory for Iran’s evil network of regional and global terrorists—the administration seems not to care. All it sees is the prospect of the Iranian missiles heading for Israel igniting a regional war as if the administration’s endless capitulations have not made such an attack more rather than less likely. Yes, the U.S. has sent its warships to the region, but the administration has long since made clear that—even though it could do so overnight—it will never take decisive action to end the Iranian threat once and for all.

By allowing Iran to hold all the cards, the administration betrays its real ambition: To somehow put off confronting Iran by convincing Israel to sign on to defeat; all to avoid a war the administration fears will damage Vice President Kamala Harris’s election chances in November.

This is, above all, silly. If Hamas gets what it wants via Iranian support and the administration’s cowardice, Israel will have no choice but to act decisively to restore security to its citizens, return its internal refugees to their homes and avenge the damage done to its people and infrastructure. As Churchill said: “You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”

It has never been clearer that when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserts that irrational beliefs and absurd defeatism are ultimately futile and self-destructive, he defends not only Israel but the world from Iran’s global terrorist threat. To destroy this threat is the only way to avoid the war the U.S. administration fears so much but will have if it does not finally stand up to the mullahs. 

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.