If You Heard What I Heard, a nonprofit focused on capturing the stories of grandchildren of Holocaust survivors—the last generation to ever hear survivor stories firsthand (3G’s)—takes a stand against antisemitism through storytelling, social-media campaigns, and digestible and relatable interviews.
Less than 100 years after the Holocaust, an estimated 63% of today’s youth do not know the Holocaust happened, and this alarming trend is on the rise. To combat this, If You Heard What I Heard captures stories of survivors as heard by their grandchildren, the last generation to hear it directly from the survivors themselves.
“Keeping the stories alive of what our grandparents went through during the Holocaust has never been more crucial. The horrific experiences they lived through are only part of the lessons we should all take away for today; it’s also about understanding the warning signs of antisemitism before the Holocaust, and gaining hope and inspiration in the resilience and strength they exhibited afterwards,” says Carolyn Siegel, founder and executive director of IYH.
Launched in April 2021, If You Heard What I Heard’s goal is to ensure the world will never forget about the atrocities of the Holocaust, by creating a modern form of Holocaust education and making the stories of the Holocaust resonate for today. Now, more than ever, Holocaust education is critical and we offer a unique platform to talk about the Holocaust in a way that is both relatable and actionable.
To learn more, visit: www.ifyouheardwhatiheard.com.
About If You Heard What I Heard:
If You Heard What I Heard is a Los Angeles-based nonprofit focused on capturing the stories of grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, the last generation to ever hear survivor stories firsthand. The organization’s goals are to reach current and future generations to curb antisemitism and educate about the Holocaust in a modern, relatable and actionable way. If you heard what I heard, you would never forget.
For more information, contact: Samantha@moraygency.com.